The DIVE-LINK team presents the BRAND NEW, BREAKTHROUGH hydroacoustic underwater communication, tele-control, navigation and positioning devices for diving and marine robotics. 

Modern software and hardware platform, novelty, small size, multi-functionality, and cost-effectiveness make our products unique. 

For example, our half-mask diver communication kit based on the patented voice communication device (UORS) and miniature wireless communication transceivers NEVKA-01, which we have developed, has no world analogues. It allows divers to speak to each other while underwater, which increases the safety of diving and the effectiveness of underwater operations.

The DIVE-LINK team is a community of people of different professions: engineers, divers, scientists, and students, who share an interest in the sea and diving. The basis of the team is the team of the Research Laboratory of Marine Electronic Systems (NIL MES) of the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), which has twenty years of experience in the development and production of equipment for divers.

 Our transceivers provide the ability to search for a diver in an emergency both underwater (by divers) and from the surface. The transceivers have a “emergency beacon”, which is activated by the diver or other divers — at a distance, with distance and bearing measurement to the beacon. Search from the surface is carried out by the navigation system POISK-01, which monitors the position of divers and underwater vehicles from the ship.

 Diver transceivers continuously record conversations of divers, with the ability to download files. There is voice control of the functions and settings of the stations, voice activation of the transmission, noise reduction, etc.

The VIKHR-01 underwater high-speed modem implements digital data and voice transmission, ensuring confidentiality.

For more information about our products, please visit our website https://dive-link.net  and our Instagram and YouTube channels (buttons below)

Our specialists at NIL MES provide technical support at all stages of the purchase and operation of our products, conduct demonstrations of the products in natural conditions, and also provide services for their integration into customer equipment.

Please send your inquiries and questions to divelink@mail.ru. Or call +7 (909) 578-80-97. 


Underwater transceiver "NEVKA-01"
Сommunication kit for half-mask divers «UORS-01+ NEVKA-01»
Underwater transceiver "GOLOS-01"
Surface underwater communication station "NEVKA-K01"
Telecontrol Beacon responder "M-01"
Underwater positioning system with an ultra-short base «POISK-01»
Underwater digital modem "VORTEX-02"